Babysitting Classes Now Available
Due to high demand Northwest Health and Safety Inc will be conducting another babysitting course at their Vancouver, Washington training center on September 13th and September 14th from 6 pm to 8:30 pm, both evenings. The training program will be based on the American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) CABS babysitting program. The babysitter training will be conducted by husband and wife team Jason and Amanda Royse. Jason Royse is the director of training programs for Northwest Health and Safety and has been teaching safety training programs for 20 years. Amanda is a certified paramedic and ASHI instructor. Jason and Amanda are parents of 2 teenagers.
The babysitting program is intended to teach participants various topics regarding babysitting to include: Babysitting as a business, various health and safety topics, basic childcare techniques, basic first aid and CPR techniques will also be covered. The intended audience is ages 11-15. We are excited to bring this program to the young people in Vancouver and Portland areas. Who doesn't need a good babysitter? Call Northwest Health and Safety Inc for more details at 360-737-8910 or email us at
Stay tuned for future babysitting classes.
